Hi all,
I was wondering if anybody could help me sort a Data Item with type Text, into a collection. I have the following information that i need to put into a collection, spaces are intended:
3092 - Timelønn til utb. 9.75
3095 - Timelønn v/overtid 7.50
3100 - Overtid 50% 5.00
3101 - Overtid 100% 0.00
3200 - Forskjøvet arbeidstid 40% 0.00
3201 - Forskjøvet arbeidstid 50% 0.00
3502 - Utligning sykelønn 2.25
3096 - Avsatt timebank, arbeidstidsordningen 0.00
- Each new line should be a new line in the collection
- Every time there are four spaces after each other, that indicat a new column:
Column1 = 3092 - Timelønn til utb.
Column2 = 9.75
I suspect that RegEx is needed here, but i honestly do not have experience with it when it comes to Blue Prism. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance.