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Scheduler execution issue - runtime resource is offline

Level 3
Hi all,   I'm trying to execute process from scheduler but it doesn't work at most time. (Weirdly, sometime it works!!) The termination reason I got is "Task threw an exception: Resource XXX is offline - retried 10 times"   However, I am able to execute process and find no problem when I use drag&drop in Control Room.   My Interactive Client is on BP Server, and runtime resource is not a virtual machine.   Thanks in advance,   Tamma

Level 15
Being able to Drag and Drop in control room does not really prove anything other than that your local computer can connect to the resource PC.  For Schedules it is the Application Server that needs to connect to the resource PC rather than your own computer - the error you are getting indicates a network communication issue between App Server and ResourcePC.

Level 3
Hi Denis, Thanks for your kind reply and explanation. What can I got from your explanation is, my local PC is connected to the Resource PC, but there might be some network comm. issues between App Server and Resource PC. Do you have any suggestion to resolve the network issues between App Server and Resource PC or at least, how to figure out if there is any network issues? (Because sometimes it randomly works) Thanks for your time. Best regards, Tamma

Level 2
We've had this on a couple occasions.  Basically, the scheduler via the application server tries to kick off the job and doesn't get an appropriate start reply back from the resource in the set amount of time (basically times out).  It will try 10 times (default) before it gives up.  You can change this default but you are best to figure out why the resource isn't reacting quickly enough, with the most probable answer being network latency.   Essentially Denis was simply saying that drag&drop in control room cannot be compared to scheduling via app server, and the fact that you can use local to d&d a process on a resource simply means that your local is connected to the resource (which is via the app server btw).  The app server will expect a much different response time in the d&d scenario than the scheduling one.  Do you ever notice, when you d&d a process onto a resource, the job doesn't show up in the bottom pane for several seconds?  Then when you start it, it takes yet another few seconds before the status of the job changes from pending to running?  In scheduling mode, the server doesn't have the same ""patience"". There isn't any easy ""how to detect and correct network issues"" reply.  So many factors are in play. Things you need to consider, among hundreds of others ... Are you having issues with only this one process, or are all processes that you are trying to schedule on this resource having same this issue? Are any of your other resources experiencing this issue or just one specific resource? Does the resource go to sleep and take time to wake up if idle for too long? Are your app server and your resource co-located, as in, are they in the same building on the same network? Is the pipe which they communicate dedicated or shared with other network/internet traffic?  Is this process scheduled during peak bandwidth usage times on your network? Are other processes running at the same time which have logging enabled?  Logging is a major tax on the server and should really be set to errors only for all processes unless you are trying to debug an issue.  Try clicking on view log on a process that has run with logging enabled and you will notice right away the system struggling.

Level 3
Hi rrejano, Thanks for your respond. It seems much more complex than what I expected. I guess I need to talk with my infra team to resolve this issue. For the time being, I have not done complete investigation for this issue. But will share it later once I got the investigation result. Anyway, you said that you have faced this kind of issue, and if you mind, can you share what was the cause and how did you resolve your issue? Thanks for your detail explanation. Regards, Tamma  

Level 4
Hello, This looks like a problem in Blue Prism itself and does not seem to be environment specific. There is also another thread about this and we are currently seeing this same error many different environments around the world.… We can see that Blue Prism scheduler stops communicating with ResourcePCs but we do not know the root cause for that yet. All other communication works fine between the application server and the ResourcePC except the communcation between the Blue Prism Server Service (aka Scheduler) and ResourcePC. When the offline error occurs, you still can see the ResourcePC being online and you can see the correct status in database too and you are able connect to the ResourcePC with telnet. Br, Petri Kaukua