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Forum Posts

Interact with Flash application embedded in browser

Hi all, I am working on a project where I need to interact with a Flash application embedded in browser. I am trying to read a table inside the app but I am not able to to spy the table using AA/HTML/Win32 modes. The last resort i can see is using O...

Spying Applications opened with another account

Hi,   As part of our RPA project, we are working with some applications with an administrator account which is different from the account that we are using for BluePrism.   However, we cannot €œAttach€ to the application that is launched with th...

Schedular execution issue

Hi all, I'm trying to execute process from scheduler but it's not working at all. The termination reason I got is attached However, I am able to execute process and find no problem when I use drag&drop in Control Room. Thanks in advance, - Atuku...

Force re-tried items

Apologies if this has been asked before, but when a queue items is re-tried using the "force re-try" option in the queue, is there any way to tell which user initiated this action? We've seen a couple of isolated incidents where it seems controllers ...

MAPIEx - Received Time Incorrect

While using the Get Mail action, the date and time that is output is showing in UTC time - as I am currently in BST (+1 hour) this is technically incorrect and when trying to cross reference the emails in Outlook to what BP is saying can become confu...

Comercial presentation

Hi!, i´ve been trying to find any kind of material like a script or comercial presentation talking about the benefits about blueprism for a client. i want to find something like a quick presentation about the potential or something like a demo in ord...


Hello all, I€™m currently developing a process in SAP and I€™m having a problem. I need to execute a transaction which takes too long due to the big amount of information it contains. I would like to be able to execute this transaction simultaneous...

Process and Object Studio Visibility Security

Hi Team, Blue Prism is such wide and powerful RPA tool special for security, exception handling and bot utilization etc. Please consider BP  version 5.21 Just wanted to know/suggest below key points: 1.Presently anyone can view and edit the proce...

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MS Outlook not working sometime

Hello, I am trying to send one attachment (one report in form of excel) after performing certain task in BP to my mail id(MS Outlook).But sometimes it is coming , sometime it is not coming. I am using below things. - Blue Prism MAPIEx LATEST VERSIO...

Java Elements Spying/Highlighting Issue

Hi, we have spied the java element but when we highlight the same element it takes 2-3 minutes to get highlighted. please let me know the ways in which we can reduce the time taken to highlight a java element. TIA.

BP Application server is too slow

Hey All, I managed to create Application server in a system. I am able to see the home page and all the process, object. But to open the process it took 15 min and the BP is also not responding.

BP Process Log size

Some of the process logs are clogging the database in production environment and it is becoming painful job to clean up those logs for creating DB space. We are looking for a way to get statistics around log size of each process execution to identify...

BP freezes on long wait stages

Hi fellow BP developpers,  I have got a scenario where an SAP page takes about 5-7 mins to load after entering the required input data, for this I have added a conditional wait stage. The conditional wait stage has been configured to check for an el...