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Forum Posts

Service cannot start - Server unavailable

I'm trying to install BP 6 with a service for the Application Server. However, I have configured the database connection which works successfully when I connect through BluePrism. I also have the Default service configured which starts in the BPServi...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 5 replies

how to get the mail from local folder by mapiex?

My the outlook profile setting is like this. (Attachment1)   And I can get any mails from this folder by mapiex VBO.(受信トレイ) But in my outlook interface, there are some folders which I can not do anything with. (Attachment2)   I gue...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Getting Data from Excel

Hi , I have a query regarding getting the data from excel sheet. I have a huge amount of data in the excel when i take in the collection it takes a lot of time to process that data and sometimes even the system gets hanged.  So what could be the sol...

Unable to spy in AA mode

Hi, I'm using IE to spy some HTML elements using AA mode. When trying to highlight the elements, the only ones highlighted are the main IE window and main HTML page within IE. I could not highlight individual elements within the page. The other spyin...

Not Able to Select DropDown

Hi, i am trying to select the value in drop down as shown in attached snap. I tried following method but it is not working:   1. Tried sending value via GSKE. but it is not working when there is space between the words. 2. I tried to read the HTM...

Neel1 by MVP
  • 1 replies

Is there a way to export Object library into excel? I want to view all the objects I have with the actions in them without having to open every single one

Is there a way to export Object library into excel? I want to view all the objects I have with the actions in them without having to open every single one. I am trying to create an object library that can be accessed by any developer to know if a pa...

using tags

Hello, I like to use a tags for filtering in queue. Is here any impact on speed of process or memory of BP, so is better to not use a tags?