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How can we delete old/unused Process?

Not applicable
Hi, Good day! We receive an error while trying to delete the old/unused Process - "An error occurred while deleting the process: Could not delete the process. This process has been run before and is required for audit". May we ask help on how can we delete the Process, if possible? We are using Blue Prism v.5. Thank you very much! Warm Regards, JBF

Not applicable
Hi, You should be able to do this after you have done ""System"" ->""System"" -> ""Archiving"" ->""Database Data"" and then archive the data, so it will allow you to delete the process afterwards. If you still need the data you can restore at later point. This happens because your process was run from control.

Level 15
You can retire retire unused processes in System-Processes-Management.

Level 3
The easiest solution is to go to System->Security->Users. Find your user and Edit the permissions that your role has. Under ""Process Studio"" in ""Roles and Permissions"", there is a checkbox for ""Delete process"". If you tick this, save and restart Blue Prism, it should all work.

Thank you! That worked for me.

I've done this, and both my archived data and database data fields are empty. I could delete some of the processes but there are a few that are still there and still givng me the "An error occurred while deleting the process: Could not delete the Process. This Process has been run before and is required for audit" error.

Any idea how I can delete these last few processes, opr better yet, just start with a blank slate?

Reuven Farchi


if you really want to start with blank/empty environment the best way is to create a new database.


Zdeněk Kabátek
Head of Professional Services

I'll do that, thanks.

Reuven Farchi