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How do I share an application model?

Level 2
Hi, I noticed this screen whilst opening the application modeler in a new object. I actually need the model from another object and am looking for instructions to make this work. Huge amount of screens and fields from another object need to be used. See screenshot for the specific screen. How do I enable an application model to be 'shared'? Is this function ideal in the scenario where multiple objects use the same screens and fields? I assume so since changing anything in the parent would imply a change in all the children who reference it. Not doing this would imply to change every object's application model whenever a change occurs. Please advise. Regards, Niek

Level 15
The 'shared' model option is there for applications which can only be connect/attached to once. This is the case for some hllapi mainframe emulators and was preventing developers from creating the best practice design of multiple small object. Appart from that scenario I would recommend not using shared application models - it is not there to share some elements of one object it is there so all objects have one model which would not be best practice usually. It might be worth contacting a BP consultant if there is one available to discuss your object design in more detail. If there are lots of elements that lots of different objects need to use it could indicate that your objects are not broken down to a granular enough level. For example, if lots of objects are using main menu elements - there should be a seperate object for your main menu instead. If lots of objects are interfacing with the same objects you might want a seperate pop-up handler object. It is unusuall for multiple objects to require lots of the same application modeller relements if the object design is broken up correctly.