I just noticed I posted in the non-active version of this thread, so I'm pasting here too.
Here's the other thread where I responded:
The other threadAnd here's the same text I posted over there:
You should be able to use a Read stage to get an attribute value. I suppose it depends what element you're retrieving the attribute value from.
If you spy the entire window in Win32 mode, then you should be able to get the Window Title out of the 'Window Text' attribute. Use a Read stage on the Win32 element using the action 'Get Text'.
If you use AA mode to spy the entire window, then you can do something similar but this time in the Read stage, the attribute may be called 'Name' and the action may be called 'Get Name'. But it gets the same text.
For UIA mode again spy the entire window, and then it's the same as AA where the Read stage action is called 'Get Name', but attribute in the list is actually called 'UIA Name'.
I'm not sure you can get the actual window title name from HTML mode. Maybe there's a way, but I don't see it and I think it'd be webpage dependent.
Dave Morris
3Ci @ Southern Company
Atlanta, GA
Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company