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Intend to add Worksheet in a Workbook (csv file)

Level 4
This could be easy and simple to most of you and need help. I have an existing csv file with one worksheet. I want to add another worksheet with just one row but it ended up overwriting the existing worksheet. Below is what I did:
1) define new collection  and  add fields --> named "Payinfo"
2) use MS Excel  VBO  - Open Workbook 
3) use MS Excel  VBO - Create Worksheet  --> to create another sheet named "Payment_info"
4) use calculation  to assign value and Store in the collection field  example: Payinfo.PaymentID
5) use calculation stage to assign value to CelRef example: "A"&[ctr]    note that ctr  equals to 1
6) use MS Excel  VBO  - Write Collection 
23439.png7)  use MS Excel  VBO - Close Workbook
😎 use MS Excel  VBO - Close Instance

After the Close instance stage , the Payment_info worksheet overwrite the existing worksheet.  I need both worksheet (the current and new one) . Am I missing something? please help me why is it overwriting the existing worksheet?
Appreciate it.

Marilyn Gagarin
Senior Programmer/Analyst
United Rental, Inc.

Level 8

A CSV file is a flat-file ​which can only contain one set of data at a time. When Excel imports it, it puts it into an Excel worksheet that is part of an Excel workbook. The problem you are experiencing is that by saving the workbook back to the CSV format, Excel can only export the data on the first worksheet back into the CSV flat-file.

Micheal Charron
Senior Manager
Micheal Charron
Toronto, Ontario

Hi Micheal,
 I was thinking that csv is like xlsx when it comes to worksheets.  I got it  now and I am all set. Thank you!

Marilyn Gagarin
Senior Programmer/Analyst
United Rental, Inc.

Hi Marilyn,

We have a similar situation where we need to save worksheet data when Office is down (again...) with a license issue. In such cases the process diverts to creating CSV files, one for each worksheet, and adding the name of the intended worksheet to the CSV file name.

Happy coding!
Happy coding!
Paul, Sweden
(By all means, do not mark this as the best answer!)

I like the idea adding worksheet name in csv filename. Thanks Paul.

Marilyn Gagarin
Senior Programmer/Analyst
United Rental, Inc.