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Internal : AMI error occurred in ...... - External AppMan reader thread exited before response from query

Level 3
Hi all,

During one of my processes I'm uploading files into application.
When I'm uploading big files, target application is frizzing for few sec. and coming back to normal without any interventions. 
Unfortunately during this few sec. Blue Prism is throwing below issue:
"Internal : AMI error occurred in ....... - External AppMan reader thread exited before response from query" 

Do you know what is the issue here, it's first time it happened ?
Also do you have any workaround for that ?

Thank you in advance.

Filip Bujakowski
RPA Developer
EY GTH Poland sp. z.o.o.

Hi Filip,

We've seen this Application Manager error message occur when attempting to automate a Mainframe Emulator due to incorrect settings -- can you confirm if this is the case?

Alternately, if this error is occurring in the course of simply running a Process, please see our general guidance below:

"When an application runs in one of the external modes, a separate Process is started to control the target application and isolate it from the main Process. Blue Prism maintains a connection to this Process, which it uses to send commands to and receive responses from the target application.

However, if the target application becomes unstable or freezes, this can bring down the separate Process and cause Blue Prism to lose connection with it. As a result, the following error message (or similar) is displayed:

"ERROR: Internal : AMI error occurred in WaitStart Stage 'Wait for startup' on page 'Startup' - External AppMan reader thread exited before response from query."

This Application Manager error often originates from a mismatch between 32-bit and 64-bit installation, or between operating system bitness, Blue Prism bitness and the application mode to which you are attempting to connect. Enabling logging may reveal further details about how the connection to the target application has failed."

We'd suggest to review the bit-ness of the target application and Blue Prism to ensure they match, and if so, enable additional logging on the Process (and potentially review Windows Event Viewer logs) to determine more information about this point of failure.

Steve Boggs
Senior Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX


Thank you for below.
It look like the bit-ness is different for Blue Prism and Target Application - so as you said this could be the case.

Is there any workaround which will avoid below error or proper way to handle that other than reinstallation of application or Blue Prism with matching bit-ness ?

A little more details about it:
  • It's desktop application
  • I used WIN32 spying mode
  • Whole process is run on VM via Control Romm


Filip Bujakowski
RPA Developer
EY GTH Poland sp. z.o.o.

Hi Filip,

The answer could be tricky, as on a general level we would recommend Blue Prism and the Target Application to have matching bit-ness. However, a bit more information for context may be useful. Blue Prism's core processes are 32-bit processes regardless of which version is installed, and irrespective of whether the 32-bit or 64-bit option is installed. The 64-bit installation includes a 64-bit version of the Application Modeller (APPMAN64) which is an interface to 64-bit applications specifically (using the "External, 64-bit mode").

The 64-bit version of Blue Prism is designed to be installed on 64-bit operating systems. However, 64-bit Blue Prism can work with both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

The 32-bit version of Blue Prism can only work with 32-bit applications and can only be installed on a 32-bit operating system.

Therefore, if you intend to interact with 64-bit applications you will need to install the 64-bit Blue Prism on to a 64-bit operating system, and this will allow you to interact with both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

If you're using 32-bit Blue Prism and this is a 64-bit target application, we could only suggest to install the 64-bit version of Blue Prism to help prevent this issue. If you're using 64-bit Blue Prism and this is a 32-bit target application, you'll want to ensure you're using the correct Application Manager mode (KB link). If you still encounter this issue, review the session and EV logs from a time of failure to determine if this is a connectivity problem to the target application, or an issue with the application (freezing, etc) itself.

Steve Boggs
Senior Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX