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Navigate - Launch - application already launched error

Level 2
Hi, I am working on browser automation. When I run my process from Control Room, it is throwing "Failed to perform Navigate - Launch - application already launched error", but when I logged into Resource PC, there is no application being launched. In the task manager, also no iexplore listed. When I run from the BP Process studio, I am not getting this error. Even this was working fine in Control Room. But only since yesterday, I am facing this error in ResourcePC. Thanks in advance

Level 2
Did any one come across such situation? Your response is much appreciated

Level 4
We are having the same problem right now, did you solve it? If you do could you please inform us how?  Thank you 🙂

Level 6
You can add logic in this process . Before launching the application, check if any process with name iexplore is running , If yes, kill the process using Utility environment - kill process.  then launch the application.