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Password reset

Level 2
Hi all, I'm trying to reset my password using the SQL Server Management Studio, but I'm not able to open the appropriate database (see file) that I need to open in order to run the SQL script to change my password. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Kind regards, Frits   

Level 14
Hi Frits, I have no idea how to solve that problem. But here's a wild stab in the dark. I Googled your issue and here's someone who had the same error at least:… Actually, I just noticed that I Binged it. That doesn't sound as pleasing as 'Googled' it. =( Respectfully, Dave

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

Level 3
No This will not work,The user is asking reset a blueprism admin user login password reset?

Level 7
@204125 Does your Windows Login have permissions to take that action in SQL Sever?  Recommend checking with another user to see what permissions they have and make sure your prfoile isn't missing anything essential.  i.e. are you even allwoed read/write to that DB Seconly, do you mean you are trying to change your password for Blue Prism?  An admin in that environment should be able to reset it for you on the front end. @David You're very active in this forum and I respect you for it....but one does not simply 'bing' things.  Gossip Girl tried to make that a thing, and it failed! Gotta say, disappointed in you! ^_^

Level 3
I respect him. But I meant was what the answer he told it won't work. Ex. He forgot password of blue prism admin access and there is no other user created in that server. How we can able to reset the admin password? If any user created in that other than admin and that user has admin permission then he can able to reset the password. Other wise need to find alternative way. Please don't mistake me. 

Level 3
Inorder to reset  admin password in Blue Prism we have to use sql script and i ran this script and worked well.