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Problem using AA mode

Level 4
Hi, I'm having an issue using AA mode which I'd appreciate some advice on. I've currently got BP installed on a number of machines, which I connect to on my personal machine using RDP. Some of the processes that I've automated take quite some time to run through, so naturally I minimize my RDP session to continue working on my personal machine. However, whenever a process comes to an element spied in AA mode, and I've minimized the RDP session, the process fails. I've un-selected the 'visible' and 'screen visible' attributes for the AA elements and I've tried focusing on the element prior to clicking on it, but nothing seems to work. So, the question is, am I trying to achieve the impossible, or should AA elements still work when the RDP window has been minimized? And if they should work, what am I doing wrong? Thanks, Richard

Hi Richard - RDP is not a good tool for accessing a VM for a number of reasons, including the effect you describe. You're not doing anything wrong, it's just that RDP does not work in the way you want. These documents explain the problems further:

Level 4
Thanks John. Are there any particular technologies that you would recommend for connecting to resources? I know the article you sent lists a few but is there one among them that you would recommend above the others?

Hi Richard - we deliberately don't promote one type of technology as there are many vendors and options. We have a Virtualisation Guide which isn't on the Portal (it requires an NDA) that you could get from your BP representative - maybe your organisation has it already? It won't tell you which vendor to choose, but it will show you what features the technology needs to have.