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Release Package- Overwritting

Level 5
Hello, I'm facing with following problem - after import release to new environment not all elements are overwritten according to new release. In one object there was a change in modelled element, to be specific a parameter has changed, due to system update. I tried to import it 3 times and each time without success, the parameter didn't change... With no hope I imported other package where mentioned object is also included and this time it worked. Did any of you have a problem with overwriting by release package? Thanks in advance, L

Can you double check that the release file contains the change? Ort maybe export the object as an XML file on its own, and then import that. The reason I ask is that an object (or process) is held in the system as a single piece of XML, so an overwrite changes the whole object, not just part of it. If the file (.bprelease or .xml) contains the change and the import has succeeded, then the change must be present in the destination environment.

Level 5
Hi John, I double checked and the release contains changes (release was created after last save, changed object was included to a packagr as well). I haven't thought about importing a xml file. If I get next time a simmilar issue, I will try this aproach. Thanks for advice! Rgrds L

Level 2
Hello, We are facing the same problem in a client, but in this case, we cannot update the Environment Variables values by simply importing these in a new release package. We are trying to deply an new design validated in a QA environment to PRODUCTION. All elements are updated succesfully by importing a new release, including the Environment Variable descriptions, but not their values. It is not the appropriate way to manually write the values between ambiences given they comming with a QA approvement. There is something special to setup, beyond the permission, to make it work? Could be this a bug?  Thanks in advance, Regards