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Reporting Tool

Level 3
Can we link Blue Prism to work with Reporting and versioning tools like Tortoise SVN

Level 2
I am unable to understand item ID concept and how data from queue can be copied to an excel sheet via collection. PLEASE HELP. How to use the loop while copying ? Like how to use ""does data exist in queue"" decision and ""Is file empty"" decision. please help me with the process involved in copying....whether copying is line by line,column by column or row by row.

Sun, I wouldn't normally call TortoiseSVN a reporting tool. However, as a general answer, information in Blue Prism is stored in the database unless it is exported. To link it to an external versioning system you would have two main options: 1) Connect whatever system directly to the database tables and monitor/version those, possibly using triggers. I've never personally seen this done, but there's no reason why it wouldn't work. 2) Export BP code as an XML or a Release and utilize source control against the exported code. In both cases, all relevant information is stored as human-readable columns and/or XML, so you could use straightforward DIFF to see changes.

Level 2
I can't open the video. I had looking for help from the service center of Blue Prism and IT colleague in 26/9, but it didn't solved.

Level 2
Sun, You got any solution? I am planning to do the same!