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Send keys to open the Windows menu

Not applicable
Hi, I've used "^{ESC}" value to open the Windows menu and I've got the following error: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Navigate1' on page 'Send E-mail' - Not Connected. What can be a reason? How can I open the Windows menu? Thanks. P.K.

Level 4
Are you sure the problem is in the global key event? You could also launch the application to send e-mail. Or there are other options, but as I do not know what email this is, it hard to suggest anything.

Not applicable
Please do not suggest the name. I am creating the whole process and one of the steps to reach the aim is launching the Windows Start menu. I would like to do it through send keys, but I don't know what is the problem.

Level 5
You can try Global Send Key Events with the keys as ""{CTRL}"" if Global Send Keys is not working.