Hi Team, I would like to ask your help to spy this window with the correct application please..
Currently It is working fine, but I noticed if I have a report that contains loads data, it can take quite a long time to go to the last 2 steps (Save file and OK button), and unfortunately this window is not optional and I must use it.......
Do you have any Idea how to ensure that i can workaround this timing issue for these 3 actions to complete in a manner time when i have big data? or do you have a different spy method I can use? If yes, would you please provide details and possible screen shot of another method that I could use better than I currently do use?
Thank you
I have used to spy the main window using w32 to activate this window

then to focus and click the save file check mark I had no choice but use UI mode

same for the OK button I had to use the UI mode (Focus and Click)