Hi Karthick,
The logging level of a Process is written into a single string of XML stored in the BPAProcess table under the "processxml" column. Parsing this data with a SQL query would likely not be a simple task, but you could work with your DBA to potentially extract this, or others here in the Community may have some SQL they could share that could report on the data you're looking for here.
Edit to add:In Blue Prism v6.7 and above, there is a built-in report in the System -> Reporting tab's MI Reporting area called "Logging" which displays the number and percentage of stages that are set to high logging levels that may meet your stated requirements here though. In v6.8 and above, the "Runtime Resource Summary" report displays logging levels per Resource. More information about these built-in reports can be found here:
https://bpdocs.blueprism.com/bp-6-10/en-us/helpSystemManagerReports.htm?Highlight=LoggingThere are also shortcuts to quickly enable or disable logging in the Process Studio under the "Edit All Stages" or "Edit Selected Stages" options. In addition, in v6.6+ of Blue Prism, importing Processes counts the number of logged stages.
Steve Boggs
Senior Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX