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Unable to SPY JAVA applet elements.

Level 3
Hi ,

I am logging in to the kinaxis via IE browser, as soon as i login it will download a rapid response launcher file is downloaded and a new JAVA applet opens in a new browser window. I am using IE11 for browsing and i am able spy the elements on IE and login successfully once the applet runs i am not able to spy the applet elements except the window. I have enabled the JAB from control room to enable the JAVA spy mode, yet no luck with that.

Kindly suggest how to resolve this.

Pavan Kumar B
RPA Developer
Pavan Kumar RPA developer Accenture

Hi Pavan,

first thing I would verify is whether the JAB is working correctly on your machine, using JavaFerret or JavaMonkey (see our documentation on the portal

Luca Valente
Senior Product Consultant
Blue Prism

Hi Luca,

I have checked the JAB functionality, i don't see any issue with that. I made some progress and I was able to spy the elements on the screen, however when i try to highlight the element Blue Prism is not able to identify the elements. I did a lot of trial and error on the attributes, but was unable to highlight the elements.

What might be the issue?


Pavan Kumar B
Pavan Kumar RPA developer Accenture

When you say you are unable to highlight the elements, it means that BP gives an error when you hit the "Highlight" button or it just hangs on for a few seconds without highlighting the element on the Java app?

Luca Valente
Senior Product Consultant
Blue Prism

Blue prism is  able to get the attributes but when i hit the "Highlight" button there is no response from blue prism application modeler. It does not highlight and hangs on for couple of seconds and also does not give any error.

Pavan Kumar B
RPA Developer

Pavan Kumar RPA developer Accenture

Hi Pavan,

it's difficult to identify the problem without having access to your application. You might try to use the navigate/read/write actions and see if BP can access those elements despite the application modeler can't highlight them. Another suggestion is to use the Application Navigator (dropdown next to the Identify Button) and verify if you can find the elements on the Navigator Tree View.
Elements in Java applications are not always accessible and there are cases when you have to navigate the application's UI using Sendkeys (i.e. arrows, tab, enter...) or Region Mode.

Luca Valente
Senior Product Consultant
Blue Prism