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Unable to identify/spy the elements in Event Viewer windows application

Level 3
Hi  I am able to attach the windows Event Viewer application. But unfortunaltely not able to identify/spy the elements in that window. Do we need to change/modify any configuration for Event viewer application. Can any one suggest me on this please.

Level 9
Hi You might need to specify the ""Application Manager Mode"" at ""Select the Application Manager mode"" on Application Modeler. In my case, I selected  the ""External 64 bit mode"", and it worked fine. Hope this helps.

Level 6
Hi k.viswanadha.gupta 1) You have to choose the option: ""My application will already be running - I want to attach to a running instance. Of course remember to start the application in your process/business object layer somewhere. 2) Input ""Event-viewer"" as window title of the target application - or whatever the title of the window is in your native language. 3) Input ""mmc"" as Windows process name of target application. 4) Specify the path to your event-viewer e.g: C:\Windows\system32\eventvwr.exe, in ""if application is not found for attaching..."". 5) In my case external, 32 bit mode on 64 bit OS (Windows 7) worked, but otherwise try the 64 bit mode option, like suggested above. Good luck BR, Mustafa

Level 3
Hi, Thanks for quick response. In Application Modeler, I tried to change it to ""External 64 bit mode"" instead of Default mode. Once it is changed it to 64 bit mode did not see any issue of Attaching. But still I am facing the issue with identify/Spying the elements issue in Event viewer. Blueprism is not at all recognizing in any of the mode(Win32, AA and Region). Once I click the Alt button to change it to another mode it is going to pointing to File tab in main menu of Event viewer. What needs to be done to overcome this issue? Thanks In Advance.

Level 6
Hi k.viswanadha.gupta What have you selected in the application modeller wizard part,""Indicate what type of application you are using""1) ""My application is launched from an executable file"" OR2) ""My application is already running - I want to attach to a running instance"" I found that I could not recognize any elements if I chose option 1, but attaching to the instance, option 2, instead solves it. Like I said, remember to use a navigate stage in your process/business object layer somewhere, to attach to the application. Hope that solves you issue. Good luck BR, Mustafa

Level 3
Hi Mustafa,  I was waiting for your response. Thanks for your update. I have tried all the above two options. As suggested I have attached the option2 screenshot. 1. I have launched the Event Viewer application using ""Start Process"" action under Utility - Environment VBO. 2.  I have Attached the application using Navigate stage. 3. But Blueprism is unable to identify/Spy the elements in Event Viewer application. Kindly suggest if i am doing anything wrong on it.   Regards K. Viswanadha Gupta Mob:+91-9986652026