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Updating Batch Type/DFD in Production

Level 4
Hello everyone,
I have a test environment where I can develop and a production environment where I don't have access due to regulatory conditions. In order to bring changes into production, I have to create appropriate packages, which are then imported there.

I did some minor changes in the DFD and exported the Batch Type. However, it was not possible to update the existing batch type using the import function. Error message : Batch Type already exists

I then tested the following in the test environment:
Delete the Batch Type with all corresponding Document Types and DFDs and reimport the Batch Type. 
Result: I can't import the batch type again because it supposedly still exists. Same error message as before the deletion. I'm assuming there are still some links in the database that are causing this. This really got me into trouble as my backup was the batch type which I couldn't import anymore. I then started disassembling the Exported file to at least extract the DFD data and reconstruct an import file for the DFD, otherwise I would have had to build the DFD from scratch.
When I export/import a DFD I create a copy. Here I have to delete the old DFD, rename the new one and adjust the links. The training data in the test environment for this Batch Type is completely lost. I think its still linked to the old Document Type/Batch Type, which I cannot import anymore. Luckily it wasn't the big loss in this case.

Before I step from one trap to the next, here are my questions:
What is the best way to bring changes from the test environment to production?
How can I create/use proper backups?

This applies
  • Batch Type
  • Document Type
  • DFD
  • Training Data

Many thanks

Best Regards

Marius Erbert

Helpful Answers

Hi Marius.

Take a look at this thread as I believe it will help resolve your issue: Import Batch Types | Decipher (


Jack Look
Sr Product Consultant
Blue Prism

View answer in original post


Hi Marius.

Take a look at this thread as I believe it will help resolve your issue: Import Batch Types | Decipher (


Jack Look
Sr Product Consultant
Blue Prism

Hello Jack,

thanks for the answer and sorry for my late response.
To be honest, it doesn't solve my issue, but at least I have confirmation that the import/export function has currently various limitations and my current backup plan will not work. I will take up the topic again elsewhere and bring in a suggestion for improvement.

My current workaround is to create a new Batch Type/Document Type/DFD for each change (I simply added a version number). The backup topic is still open, because the proposed changes of database entries are not really an option for us. I will adapt my backup plan accordingly.

Best Regards

Marius Erbert

Hi Marius.

Thank you for the update.

Best of luck.


Jack Look
Sr Product Consultant
Blue Prism