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Using CMD Prompt to run script and continue to get Automation server can't create object

Level 4

Hello All,

I am currently working on a bot that will be using the command line to complete the task. The script uses cscript and command prompt and works fine and whenever I run commandline without blueprism starting the process/application it will work as intended. But when I'm testing the bot and run the script it continues to say Automation Server can't create object. Which I've done some research and found out that may has something to do with ActiveX and it's DLL.

I am just wondering has anyone dealt with this before or seen something similar and if so I would appreciate any tips or nudges in the correct direction.

Thank you.


Level 4
@ewilson I was able to update the VBO and added the arguments directly. It is still giving me the Microsoft JScript runtime error: Automation server can't create object. But it is actually taking the parameters now vs before which is good. I'm a lost though what could be causing this issue with ActiveXObject. I truly appreciate your help with this. I have a manual work around for now but hopefully can find an solution soon.​​