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Forum Posts

Resolved! HTML template for a table on the body of an Email

Hello,I am trying to send emails via Blue Prism with a table from a collection in the body of an Email.I managed to create the table with calculation properties in a loop, but I also need to highlight the new items in the table and I can't use CSS to...

Convert Collection to XML

Hi All,Just wondering if anyone has come across a solution of converting a collection to XML.XML is to be then used by a SOAP API.  Similarly and not sure if this is even the best way but has anyone encountered a solution where it converts a json dir...

How to Identify Offline Bots

Hi,My bots are working fine in Production. Some times, may be once in a week one of the bots are going for offline state because of certain reasons like server. We are solving the issue during working hours by logging into VM. I want to know is there...

Resolved! Starting Ims website

Hi!We are setting up an internal test environment for Decipher and Interact. Last session we came to page 47 in the installation guide for Interact:

Release date for 6.11

please let me know release date for version 6.11------------------------------Archana Avaragere MuttTesterPremexEurope/London------------------------------

automatic archiving not working

Hi, I had set up the automatic archiving in the blue Prism server. But I can’t see any logs getting archived. The folder is always empty. It’s been 2 weeks I set the auto-archiving, initially I had the setup to archive the logs older than 3 months an...

Remove empty columns

Hello guys,i need some help with a collection. I need to perform the action "Set columns name from first row" but i've some empty field, and i need to delete this column before without the use of my own code stage. Maybe with Oledb that will be great...

Mastercard API - Mastercom

Hello, have anyone tried implementing project interacting with Mastercard API? Any inputs or guidance you can provide?We'll be specifically using the below API:

How to optimize Disk space on VM and SQL DB

HI,Running of Bots creates different logs, working on application creates App data or Temp data. which all these results in consumption of Disk space in VM as well as in SQL Database.My query is how we can optimize Disk space by deleting files. which...

mailbox database is temporarily unavailable

ERROR: Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: The mailbox database is temporarily unavailable., The process failed to get the correct properties.why exactly do we get this kind of error ?