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Using 'Paste' action in MS Excel VBO

Level 4
Hi, I can't get the 'paste' action in the MS Excel VBO to work properly. Please see error message enclosed. Prior to running that action, I have ensured that I am on cell 'A1' and set the clipboard with the text that I want to paste. Any ideas of how to solve this?

Level 4
I cannot see the error message, but anyway you can just set the cell value through MS Excel VBO and no paste is needed.

Hi, Thanks for your reply. That could be an option, but I am pasting a long text and do not want it to end up in the same cell. Br, Maria

Level 2
I am also getting error when trying to use Paste Action "" Failed to paste from clipboard: Invalid index. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002000B (DISP_E_BADINDEX))