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Utility Environment - Kill Process

Level 3
Hello team I have an object launching IE to read data from it, the current workflow is  Kill Process -> Launch IE -> Read data -> Kill Process if it fails to read the data it has a recover stage that will retry 3 times by closing IE using the Kill Process Action and launching IE one more time, the issue is that the bot encountered the following exception "ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Open IE' on page 'Get Uploader Latest Version' - Application already launched" I was able to manually replicate the exception message in the dev server, so it looks like the Kill Process action in the Prod servers' Environment Utility didn't work, have you had any similar issue? any thoughts or recommendations on how to handle this kind of situation? Thanks in advance

Level 10
Kill process does not detach your VBO from IE, so you better first try killing it with Terminate action, then kill process. In fact, I didn't ever need to use kill process for IE so far - we make sure to clean up lauched browsers on process exit, so problems can only really happen if you attach to some running app.

What's probably happening is you are trying to relaunch too soon. Applications don't close instantly, and in some cases you have to wait for the application do close completely, even if the UI is no longer visible. A quick fix would be to add a fixed wait of about 2 seconds between the end of one session ans the launch of the next. A more formal approach would be to turn in a loop waiting until IsConnected returns False. Also bear in mind that many apps don't like to be terminated and require that you close them down like a user would.