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Forum Posts

Connect to Power BI Report Server and download information

I have some reports in Power BI Report Server, and I have to download that information automatically. How can I connect Blue Prism with those tables?Manually, I have to put the mouse cursor on the table, then press on 3 dots, click on Export data and...

Dylan1 by Level 2
  • 2 replies

Resolved! GetSentItems (SharedMailbox)

Hi all,I would like to get all sent items in a shared Mailbox and move them to a different folder. I found a similar thread here, but it hasn't been answered. Please find my settings below. Unfortunately, this is not working. I receive an error "Cou...


Can not spy Save Print Output As popup from IE 11.

​​Hello everyone, I have a question about the following issue.Step1. Execute press Ctrl + P from page. ( Launched on Internet Explorer 11 )Step2. Select Microsoft Print to PDF, and press the print button.  The following...

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BP 6.9: Error - Converting Active Directory database

​​We want to convert from single-authentication Active Directory to multi-authentication Active Directory.When perform the Action in the Security-Settings->Sign-on Settings we receive the following error:The SID: has already been mapped to another us...

Resolved! How to identify an image is present in the word document?

Hi,How to  verify whether any image present in the word document or not?I tried Select All> Copy to clipboard >Get Clipboard but as a result I'm getting only text in the body.Thanks,Harish------------------------------HarishRPA Developer-------------...

Outlook VBO is not Filtering by Sender Email

I tried filtering by Sender Name, by subject, by unread, by read and is workingBut If I filter only by sender email, is not working.Also I tried with Advanced DASL query and is not working.Any Idea?------------------------------Kevin GutierrezProfess...

Resolved! Get class/category of a specific document

Hi,Thanks to the Decipher VBO, we are able to push documents to Decipher in the from of batches, and also retrieve the captured data. The Get Document Data actions provides us for each document basically two (sub-)collections: one containing the fiel...

How to read page numbers in word?

Hi, I have some code to read page number in word but the problem is whether the page numbers are present visually or not. code  is reading the page numbers  and giving me the page count But What I 'm really looking is to check  the page number...

About Blue Prism control room settings

Hi All,I am trying to run Bot from control room but I am getting the "BP0043 is too busy to run that process" error. Please see the screen shot can i solve this problem. please assist me as soon as possible.------------------------------Rob...


Resolved! multiple instances of BPServer.exe

Is there any documentation to guide us to install multiple instances of BPServer.exe on the same server? We intend to install those multiple instance un Windows Server 2012 R2.Thank you------------------------------Bernard TherouxProgrammerBellMontre...

MS Excel VBO: Value Cannot be Null

Hello Everyone,I am getting the following exception at random while reading data as collections from multiple spreadsheets in an excel file. Is there a fix around it like adding a wait stage in the code stage itself.Internal : Could not execute code ...

Resolved! Credential Vault BP 6.6 - Property Limit

Hi All, I would like to know if there is any limit for adding properties to an existing credential within the BP Credential Vault (Blue Prism 6.6)I would need to create a credential containing more than 700 properties, does anyone know if there is an...