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Forum Posts

Navigate Stage - Mainframe Application

Hi, We are using a navigate stage to launch a mainframe application (Input parameter is being utilised) in 'Path', object is then saved and closed. When the object is loaded again to view the navigation stage,  the input parameter have now vanished...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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How to close Excel CSV format files

Hi, How to close Excel CSV format files if anyone have idea please share it. From application it is opening with csv format file but i need to close every time, i have tried using close all instances from MSExcel vbo but did not work. Thanks in adv...

Knowledge Base Articles

Hello,  It seems knowledge base articles link has disappeared from portal. It was actually really useful to investigate further on topics. Anyone knows how to reach them? Thanks

Webservices REST VBO failing

When using the Webservices - REST VBO to call my restfull API, I get the following error message: Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I have imported ...

Retrieving Package Names from Release Manager

Hi,   I am trying to write a Windows .bat script to implement CI(Continuation Integration) on BP projects. Is there any way to retrieve list of Package names which are existing in the €œRelease Manager€ tab? so that, with the helps of extracted ...

Clone & Update ItemData of WorkItem

Hello All,   I am looking for a way to clone (force retry) an existing WorkItem which is marked as exception & update the ItemData of the newly cloned WorkItem.   Is there a way to do this?

Anonymous by Not applicable
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No logs available for web service hitting BP

Hi Team, Scenario is: Third party application which is consuming the BP service is trying to execute this (Hit the BP service) but there is no response at our end. how to make sure that the  third party has hit our machine.since there is no trace ...

running multiple processes from cmd prompt

Hi , I am writing a .bat file, in which have written two commands as follows, to execute two processes "Process1" and "Process2".   "C:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate\AutomateC.exe" /sso /run "Process1" "C:\Program Files\Blu...

Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028019 (TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT)

I'm encountering an intermittent issue of Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028019 (TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT). I don't see any exact pattern when this is happening. This is a web application on IE. Any ideas?     ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in...

RonAng by Level 5
  • 5 replies