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Iban validation via code stage

Hi all, I would like to create an object that validates IBAN numbers. There are numerous c# and visual basic scripts online that serve this purpose. Unfortunately, I don't have any programming knowledge. How would I go about transferring this code i...

OCR spying PDF Acrobat DC

Hi all, I'm trying to use OCR with Acrobat Reader DC but when i use spymode (all modes) Blue Prism gives me an error System.ApplicationException: The window spied was not found in the model in BluePrism.AMI.clsAMI.Spy(clsElementTypeInfo& elementT...

Web Dashboard for intrest groups

Hi, To help real-time reporting and transparency, a web dashboard where interest groups could log in and see their permitted process information: - See parts of Session management -> To see if their scheduled processes have ran correctly and retriev...

Process missing in Studio- Blueprism

I am facing a weird issue in BLueprism. Below is the example for the issue:   I have a group called "test" and process name "process1" is located in "test" group. I have another group "test2018" and process name "process2" is located in "test2018" ...

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Automatically export Control Room Process logs

Hi all, Is there a way to automatically export process logs? When a process is scheduled and the session has run, you can see process logs in control room. And I know you can open the process log of the target session, and click File > Export log.....

Rounding whole numbers

How would I accomplish this calculation for rounding? $1234.00.  would round down to $1200.  or $1257 would round up to $1300 Thanks!

Using AsEnumerable() in Code Stage

Hello,   I€™m building my own code stage and I would like to use AsEnumerable method on DataTable, something like below: Dim CustomerOrders = DtWithRecords.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(row) row.Field(Of Decimal)("ORDERNO")).Distinct()   Unfort...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Scheduler doesn't start pending items

Hi, from time to time we are faceing with the problem, when the scheduler adds a new pending item to the session management, but does't run it. The issue is quiet critical, because some of our processes run at night and scheduler blocks VDI pool, an...

Exception Type - naming convention

Hello, I would like to ask for suggestion, how to name Exception Types in general. Our practice result in 6 main types: Business System Input - input missing data to continue process Business Request Input - after read data in one of platform mi...

Not able to connect to Oracle database

Hi , when I tried to connect to oracle database I am getting the following error "Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: The 'Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle' provider is not registered on the local machine." Ple...

Unhandled Exception

We are getting an unhandled exception pop-up in blueprism When we refer to the application server we get the below mentioned error A database error occurred while executing the statement: select * from ( select s.sessionid, s.sessionnumber, s.startd...

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