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Forum Posts

SAP - Write stage issue

Hello guys,   I am currently developing a process using SAP ERP system and I had a weird issue when trying to write to a simple textbox the value of '25,04'. The character " , " seems to create the problem, because If I write '25' or '25.04' it wor...

Text to collection translation

Hello   I have a text string that is returned from the application that looks like this. What is the best way to manipulate the text string to break it apart and store individual pieces in a collection that has First name, last name and account id....

CR by Level 4
  • 5 replies

MAPieX read all mails and check the mails in a loop

Hi all, I'm trying to get and check all the mails in Outlook. 1. Action "List Mails Within DateTimes" --> it is saving the mail id's in a Collection 2. Start a Loop for the Collection from Point 1 3. in the loop the Action "Get mail" 4. Loop runs s...

Internet explorer has stopped working

Hi I have build a bot, that works well, except that some time during the process internet explorer stops working and blue prism freezes A popup appears with the heading (Internet explorer has stopped working) the same popup that is dealt with on th...

Internet Explorer Run as Different User

Hello, What's the best way to run IE as a different user through blue prism? I'm assuming there's some way with the Command Line Params in the Launch oebject, but can't seem to figure out how to structure it.  Thanks.

collection manipulation

Hello!  Help me please with loops. The situation is this: on the current i have loop, where I go to another page in the process, there something happens, when I return back to the loop. And if I have several items in the calculation for the collect...

Merging Pdf Files

The process on which I am working i have to combine multiple files into one PDF file using €œAdobe Acrobat Pro 2017€ application. There are two types of input files, PDF and Excel will be processed. And for this i have to interact with adobe acrobat...

Unable to Open Excel Workbook

Hi All, In Excel VBO, "Open Workbook" code stage suddenly stopped to work. Handle is created but while trying open workbook, excel file is not opened and does not throw any exception. When I check processes on task manager, EXCEL.exe seems working. ...

Web Automation

Please help me In filling the highlighted columns in the snapshot I have shared. I am trying to automate a web page which is already opened in my browser.

How to import export Folder structure in BP

hi, we are exporting process and objects in BP which is placed under one folder. When we import these objects into another env, we loose the Folder structure and the process/objects are copied to parent folder i.e. Process and Objects. Please let u...

View Password

I know this kind of defeats the purpose of the Credentials > Generate Password action, but is there a way that I can view what Blue Prism is actually setting as the password?  I see some people have said that I can unmask the password and send to a t...

Publishing to Control Room on Import

I've been running into a problem, where processes are published to the control room when a release is crated but once importing to our production environment the publish to control room flag comes unchecked. The problem is we try to limit the ability...

Handling of input Excel .

Hi Guys , I have an exception scenario where , if the Input Excel is being filled just before bot run , then I want the bot to wait till the excel is saved . Try this 2-3 times and end . Currently I don't see any action where we can find out if the ...