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Forum Posts

BluePrism Calendar

Hello all, The process I'm developing needs to check if an input date is an holiday or weekend, most holidays are already in the blueprism setup, but I added one more in the other holidays section. My question is, is there any way to make the year o...

Column mismatch

Hi, Could please share the excel column mismatch ,Data mismatch code. kindly help me to share the zip file   Thanks,

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

Collection in Item Data changing

Good day,  Can someone please help me understand how BP works in the background with regards to collections? I have a collection field inside of my Item Data which contains a few rows and fields. After I get next item, I enter a work step page. Bef...

Queue Reporting VBO

Hello, Downloaded Queue Reporting  VBO, it all works good but we have issues with Performance Report  and data in  - "Median Case Times" Result shows as #NUM! Someone had same issues and can provide more information we need to fix template or edit...

Integration with Azure Key Vault

Does Blue Prism has ability to work with password hashes? We are working on a solution where, our passwords for target/legacy applications will be stored in Azure Key Vault as username and password hash. How do we integrate this for the Blue Prism  ...

Outlook very slow to launch via blueprism

Hi everyone   So, on our virtual machine, when I run outlook, it usually takes few seconds to run, however when outlook is launched via blueprism, it takes extremely long... We are using navigate stage to launch outlook and have recently switched ...

Report for Total Runtime per Resource Bot

Is there a way to run a report that shows the total runtime of a Resource/Bot. Whether per day, week month etc. Essentially I'd like to generate a report that allows me to see how much time a bot is online performing processes.   Thanks

MAPIEx - Move Mail to Inbox

Hi, On the Move Mail action in MAPIEx latest version, it is said that if you do not specify a 'Move to Sub-Folder' parameter, it will move it to the Inbox, however this does not appear to be the case. Has anyone come across this issue and knows how...

Mapiex VBO

Hi All, I wants to do below steps in outlook, 1. Check if new emails available -"Using Get Mail". 2. If available - Read email and Store in to the Collection. 3. Process excel - Move collection to Excel file. 4. Move the Email to the Processed Fold...

KaliRaj by Level 3
  • 5 replies