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Forum Posts

Error in spying operation

Hi, When I am trying to highlight the spied items (using Win32 mode), I am getting an error as follows: "There is a problem in Spying operation." Detailed error is: "System.ApplicationException: The window spied was not found in the model at BluePri...

Not able to perform action on Java Button

Hi All, I am currently working on Java based web application, as part of automation I need to click on one of the Java Button on that web page. When I am using Application Navigator to identify element (Button) in Java mode, it is not only getting h...

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tools for creating process map

Hello, I'm a new user of Blue Prism, and I was wondering if someone could explain me difference between Blue Prism components to process map and the other tools to creating process maps. What are benefits of using Object Studio and Process Studio? Be...

Sending a Ctrl Key Stroke

I am automating a mainframe application that requires a single Ctrl keystroke to navigate to the next screen. All the documentation I have read specifies how to use the Ctrl key in conjuction with another key by using ^ (e.g. "^{END}" for CTRL + End...

Slowdown while using the Send Keys function

I've been using BP for a report automation, and everything was ready for Production, but all of the sudden BP started sending the keys really slow. No matter which application I interact with, BP is now sending the corresponding keys so slow that th...

Utility - HTTP - Post

I want to do a simple post to an URL with two argument. Made a FORM in a dummy HTML site and it works fine, however Iam not able to recreate the post using Utility - HTTP - Post... any guidens? Christoffer

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Check Right click option list

Hi, To copy some records from my application, I am sending 'Right-click' via Global Mouse Click option. Now, this right click option list opens only if there is some data that exists in the application. If there are no rows in the application, the op...

Reading Grid Cell value in loop

I have Grid in a web page, and I would like to spy it such that I am able to browse through the cells and read/write/perform actions on each of them by providing the cell index (row/column). Is there a possibility for the same ?

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Web application double click issue

I have a web application that contains a table; I have no issues spying the table as I can select each cell and read the information. However to navigate to the next screen I need to double click the table. None of the inbuilt commands works. So far...

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Spyng mode not available

Hi, I have issues with accessing spying mode when building a web-based application (for a travel & expense registration system). I have managed to launch the exe. file, but when having done so, the option of identifying elements does not appear as ...