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Forum Posts

Most efficient way of adding to work queue

Does anyone have a suggestion for the best way to add big amounts of data into a Blue Prism work queue? The amount of data can vary day to day, but on average I estimate a daily amount of around 5000 records that need adding to a work queue and it's...

Merging two .bpfont files together

I unfortunately have found myself in a situation where I have a font file in our Live database and a font file in our Test database that have characters manually merged into the font recognition for "Microsoft Sans Serif 8". Not ideal. Doe's anyone ...

Session Variables and "Forced" Process Deployment

Our Business Process has a restriction wherein it must not be allowed to run during payroll processing periods for our company (Mon-Wed every other week). As the process has been setup with the scheduler to deploy on an hourly basis Monday-Friday ...

Expressions - Inserting a space

I have a very simple need that I can't seem to find an effective expression to resolve - We have input data for a process that provides the First and Last name of individuals separately. The web application containing the hyperlink we need Blue Pri...

Resolved! Sending basic Select All, Copy, and Paste commands

I am struggling with sending basic Windows commands to any application or browser. I would like to be able to send Windows commands like Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V to any active application without having to model the "Edit" menu. Any suggestions?

Expression Forum

Would it be possible to start/add a forum where members can post Expressions that they have found useful and to be able to ask other Forum members for help with Expression?

Application Modeler / Odd Behavior

Has anyone encountered significant issues with the Application Modeler in regards to saving/retaining items in a specific hierarchy? In attempting to craft an effective Application Model, I've nested application elements in a similar manner as to ho...

Using Cmd.exe (to send Ping)

Jason from Assension health raised a query about how to interface with cmd.exe and specifically how to send a Ping command and receive the response. Attached is a Certified object that I created for Jason - with a new Ping action. After discussion ...

Date Manipulation

Hi Anyone know of a way to get the last day of the previous month in DD-MMM-YYYY format, using Blue Prism, easily? Thanks

24 x 7 Hour Processes

Has anyone got a process running 24 x 7 in the operational environment? Have you encountered any issues in this approach? If so, what were they and how did you resolve them?