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Level 2
Status: New

When we run the Process 24/7. We often see exceptions. Some of which are in-frequent in nature but can't be ignored. We know any bad data, dynamic screen elements, pop-ups or slowness etc. can trigger the exception. But the root cause analysis require logs to be enabled and/or WebEx monitoring when logs are not enough.


Enabling stage Logging or WebEx are not an easy option for monitoring in-frequent issues as they demand more storage space and other approval/justifications depending on organization protocols.


However, having some sort of listener that can monitor the exception and provide series of screenshots for work flow 'Just Before' exception to occur can really speed up the root cause analysis process and make it simpler. We could achieve this by creating external listener that keep an eye on blue prism running session and exception flow. It would be great to have something similar in Blue prism itself.

Have you seen the 'Allow latest runtime resource screen capture' setting in System? Also, with careful ex handling design, you can capture a screenshot at the point of the terminating exception.
Level 10
Hi John, The "Allow latest ..." only keeps one screenshot and is overwritten when a new exception is hit.

I would rather suggest to use the screenshot utility inside the recovery blocks to store the screenshots.