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when a user in Interact fills the form and clicks on submit button it would be good for certain cases not to go to Submission folder and Inbox to see what was the robot response if any. The way this could be designed that on the form level when we design it we could say whether the response should go to Inbox or straight away to be displayed to the user. This would save several clicks in a user interaction. Of course, this would be for specific case that's why it should be part of design of the form.

Hi Zdeněk,

Thanks for raising this idea last year. Apologies, that you haven't seen much of an update regarding your suggestion.

However, we have recognized your suggestion and have had a few similar comments from other customers/partners. I'm currently evaluating this idea alongside of other suggestions in a similar theme space which may be considered for the future. I will update this ticket as necessary to keep you informed.

Best Regards,

Hi Zdeněk,


The Ideas review panel had a discussion on this idea. The current design of Interact is such that when a form is submitted, the submitted form data must be persisted and accessible. It is accessible through the “Submission” tab or the “Inbox” tab (if the form requires approval). Making submitted data non-persisted or non-accessible can be an approach but I don’t think the product is heading toward this direction.

I suspect that your pain point is that a user must do extra clicks to look at the “Submission” or “Inbox” tab to see if the robot has responded to the form. The user experience would have been better if the user could receive notification when the robot has responded, and directly see the robot’s response in the submitted form which is still on the user’s screen. That way the user wouldn’t need to make the extra navigation clicks.

Is my understanding accurate? Your feedback in important in helping the product team deliver the most pertinent functionality.




Hi, Alfred,

this could be a solution as well. Receiving a notification and being able to see directly the robot's response.

