Pablo Sarabia: Community member of the month - February

Community Team (Retired)


We're very excited to announce our Community member of the month for February: @PabloSarabia

Pablo has been with the Blue Prism Community for over a year and a half and his stats are just astonishing. Being active from the beginning, it was last year that Pablo really rocked the Community, with over two hundred contributions. Not only does he regularly post on our main English-speaking Communities, but he also tries to lend a hand in the Spanish and German-speaking Community - Increíble!

We're positive that 2022 it's the year for Pablo, who hit the ground running and enrolled in a few initiatives to keep giving back to the Community: he enrolled in our Champions program, became on of our first Mentors in the Mentoring program, collected most of the Community coins and was chosen as an MVP for 2022.

This is a very well deserved recognition for everything that Pablo offers to the Blue Prism Community. 

We encourage you to keep reading below, where he shares some very interesting insights and even gives us a book recommendation! 

Tell us a bit about yourself and how did you start in RPA / Blue Prism?

"I live now in Madrid, Spain. I’m 25 years old. I finished my programming studies in 2017, and I started working as a software developer in 2015 in my current company, Altamira DoValue Group. In 2019 I was promoted to a Solution Analyst. Part of my day is giving creative solutions and managing projects. My journey in the RPA world started in early 2018. At that point, we had never heard about this kind of technologies. Our first project was really hard to complete, we didn't know how robots work, and Blue Prism was new for all of us. We started having some issues in our processes and that's when I decided to start learning Blue Prism by myself."

Most interesting automation using Blue Prism? / Best tip you have learnt for Blue Prism?

"One of our bigger gaps in the RPA world is around reporting. Sometimes it's hard to know easily if everything is going smoothly or if you have some issues. We decided to change all the reports and created an alert system and a dashboard. This was one of the biggest goals that we accomplished regarding RPA, because now we can check all the SLAs really quick and the users have all the information they need within a few clicks."

Why do you come to the Community everyday?

"I come here every day just for fun. I check the threads every day in the morning and several times during the day. I really like to read and answer questions. It's the best way to increase your own knowledge. Also, meeting other people is fantastic and I have a good relationship with a lot of members."

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

"I can’t allow myself to forget something… For example, if we are talking about any topic and I know that I'm struggling to remember something, I need to search for that information immediately. Usually it's ok… but when I’m in the bed and I cannot remember something I can't sleep until I've checked that."

What automation have you been involved with that you’re most proud of?

"We created a work flow in conjunction with our Business Intelligent department. They created a solid report with strong logics in PowerBI for our users, then with RPA we downloaded the report and created specific tasks for our users. This automation helped us prioritise the work. At night, several batch processes are constantly running to create again the process and prepare the information for the next day."

You recently joined our Mentoring Program as a Mentor. What has your experience been like so far? 

"This is a very good initiative in the Community. It gives you the possibility to meet people around the world. I enrolled as a mentor, and I have one mentee from the UK. I love sharing ideas with him and I also learn new things. The key point is the continuous learning and growing. I strongly recommend this program for everyone, meeting people with the same passion for RPA is great"

Do you have names for your digital workers?

"Of course, yes! 🙂 Our users called them C3PO and R2D2. When they see some problems, they always call them for their names. We also have internal jokes with this." 

What do you love the most about Community?

"I see this Community like a big meeting point. It's growing very fast year by year, and I’m really happy to be part of this big family. At the end of the day you speak with a lot of people from different parts of the world. And I love reading how other people give creative solutions for common problems." 

Tell us about a current hobby: 

"I define myself as a freak. I love online videogames and reading manga (Japanese comics). I really enjoy just a relaxing day at home reading good manga stories. I would definitely recommend you "Innocent", about the French Revolution."

What would you most like to automate that you haven't been able to yet?

"I’m excited to develop any integration with WhatsApp or Teams to create a chatbot or something similar to help our users. Also, I'd like to combine OCR technology with the RPA world."
