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In Edge Bot is not able to identify the elements in PC1 and in PC2 it is able to identify but running too slow.

Level 3
Hi Guys, Good evening
I am facing an issue  with edge, usually Bot is running  in PC1 and PC2 for a month using edge browser.
But all of a sudden Bot is not able to identify the elements in PC1 and in PC2 it is able to identify but running too slow. Code is same.
Tried re-installation of edge but no use.
No issue with CPU utilization.
Edge version, Blue prism extension version and Blueprism versions are Compatible.
tried re-starting the machine, no change.
starting coding from scratch again but still the issue  exists.
Could you please help me in resolving the issue.
Thank you in advance.

Praveen Kumar Bejjarapu

There are many possibilities why it is not working; check if EDGE settings to disable using IE.
You can also review this KB Article: What are the key considerations when working with Modern Browser Automations?
If your keep having the issue, please contact our technical support team by phone, email, or directly from the Blue Prism Portal (more info here).

Luis Lopez
Customer Support Engineer English and Spanish
Blue Prism Ltd