Level 3
since ‎16-04-19

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Hi Team,we are intermittently getting the below mentioned exceptions only when triggered the process from control room/through scheduler.Blueprism version: 6.10.3Exceptions: ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'XXXX' on page ...
Hi Team,When I try to launch the application in Edge browser through "Launch" action , it is always redirecting to Edge only and also tried manually with the "Open with Microsoft Edge" option from IE, even still it is redirecting back to IE only.BP a...
Hi Team,I am not getting the navigate option for the root element in BP6.10.2 Edge browser.Would you please help me.
Hi Team,I am not getting the navigate option for the root element in BP6.10.2 Edge browser.Would you please help me.------------------------------Sasi Kumar Reddy ValipiReddyITAvivaEurope/London------------------------------
Hi Team,We have recently migrate one of the application from IE to Edge. Usually would get a security popup alert  while launching the application to enter the login creds but now its not appearing in Edge browser. Would anyone please help me.Not her...
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