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Error in Microsoft Azure Computer Vision v3.0

Hi All,

While working with asset - Microsoft Azure Computer Vision v3.0
I am facing one issue in functionality of - Get Read Results.

I am able to run API to get results in JSON format (Response Content Data variable)
But the output collection ( Read Results Response ) is coming as blank.
That means this utility by itself is not converting response to collection and giving a blank collection in results.

I tried to use BP another asset to convert text to collection , but it is also giving me error

Any help would be much appreciated!!!

Himanshu Sharma
Senior Software Engg

@Mayank Goyal,

As I mentioned before, the point of the function​ is to flag any cases where the developer may face an array with mixed data types. Could JSON arrays be treated as string only? Yes, but then in cases where a developer needs numeric values (ex. for calculations) they would then have to cast those values back to numeric data types. That's why we're discussing whether to make a change to that VBO.

The revised code I posted checks to see what the data type is of the very first item in the array. It then assumes every subsequent item in the array will also be of that same data type. If the first item is a numeric data type, it will verify that every other item is of a numeric data type.

So, if the first item is a number and the second item is text it will still throw the "Data type mismatch" exception. If the first item is a number (ex. Int64) and the second item is another number, but of a different type (ex. Double), it will not throw the exception.

Eric Wilson
Director, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange
Blue Prism

@ewilson - Thanks for your input, so if you consider with OCR, the results depend on quality of images and hand writing, so if in a array first item is coming as True and for 2nd item Azure OCR read it as Lroe, we will get error as it wont be a boolean anymore.
This is why i was thinking with OCR technology, we can have everything as String and developer can handle the logic later to map string to any required datatype, please let me know your thoughts? ​

Mayank Goyal

@Mayank Goyal,

I'm not sure that case would apply to OCR because everything returned by Azure Vision, as far as what it's read, is treated as text I believe. The area that we run in to the data type mismatch exception is with their bounding rectangle array definitions in the JSON response, but I understand your point. We'll take it under advisement.


Eric Wilson
Director, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange
Blue Prism

@ewilson - If you think everything is already read as text, let me go ahead and create a copy of this VBO with updated code ​

Mayank Goyal

Have you published this VBO on the DX as I can't find anything 

However, the idea of producing a collection of:

Page​                         Text
1                        All Text from Page 1 (in sequence - left to right and top to bottom)
2                        All Text from Page 2 (in sequence - left to right and top to bottom)

appeals to a use-case I currently have.

Alex Duff
RPA Developer
Lowell Financial

Hi @Alex Duff,

Which VBO are you referring to?


Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange