04-03-24 10:15 PM
Number was less than the array's lower bound in the first dimension - Microsoft Q&A
Thank you
05-03-24 12:14 AM
Hello Harish,
Have you tried extracting the zip folder using a command prompt? I have used 7zip to compress files before. I simply created a .bat file and started the process with the utility, and it worked fine for me. It can also be used for decompressing. Perhaps this approach could help you? I know this isnt resolving your issue but it is an idea to try different things 🙂
20-03-24 01:41 PM
HI Daniel,
Thanks for responding, Didnt get chance to test on 7zip because of nature of the automation but thanks for suggestion , I will definatley check 7 Zip in any future automation.
07-06-24 05:01 AM
Hi Daniel,
What are the command line parameters you have passed? Pls tell me