@sanaaghannam Please find attached sample implementation of a vbo to decompose video file/live feed into frames. You will need to get the dependency ffmpeg.exe from
https://ffmpeg.org/download.html for Windows OS. The vbo triggers the ffmpeg command to decompose the video. These are the input parameters:-
FFmpeg Path - Path to FFmpeg.exe
Video Source - Path to video file or url for live feed
fps - Required frames per second. Setting it to 1/5 will return 1 frame every 5 second
Output Folder Path - Folder path where the frames will be saved
Frame extraction can be computationally expensive depending upon the file size, fps etc. so you will need to check if your machine is capable to handle it. Also for live feed analysis, you might want to implement some sort of queuing mechanism while you generate the frames and send them to computer vision APIs for feature extraction.
You can customize the vbo further by referring
https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html for the various commands available
Shashank Kumar
DX Integrations Partner Consultant
Blue Prism