03-10-22 01:46 PM
30-01-23 02:56 PM
just out of interest - are you guys planning to update this to a version that takes Tennant/Client ID/Client Secret as input in future?
With the current version these variables are hardcoded within the object, so:
a) not very secure
b) downloading new version from DX and installing it overrides these details
c) if you're using separate T/CID/CS for Dev and Prod you need to modify the object in PROD after release.
none of above strikes me as desirable/best practice.
Additionally, currently within Microsoft 365 - Outlook the token is not persistent - so calling each function requires additional API call to re-authenticate- which ultimately doubles the amount of traffic/API calls. Would it not make sense to return it to the process level (together with 'timeout' variable) and manage it there (only obtain a new Token if it's expired) - in line with (now depreciated) the previous version of Graph API (using WebAPIs (Microsoft Graph API - Outlook [DEPRECATED]).
30-01-23 04:38 PM
30-01-23 05:24 PM
21-02-23 03:09 PM
hello @ewilson - I am using the latest VBO and guide to use the new VBO. downloaded the MSAL.net zip file and placed the Dll in the required path.
Passed Client ID, Client Secret, Tenant ID but while Authentication, Getting the error like one or more error is there.
Neeraj Kumar
Technical Architect
22-02-23 09:34 PM
We pushed an update to the Microsoft 365 - Outlook VBO this morning. There's a fix for a bug we identified in the Authenticate action when trying to perform a client certificate or username/password authentication. I don't suppose you were attempting either of those?
23-02-23 09:31 AM
hello Eric Wilson - We are authentication via tenant ID, Client ID, secret ID . details and it is working now fine from 1.1.0 and 1.2.0.
now we are on 1.2.0 version and list mail in folder and sent item are giving 403 forbidden error. we are reviewing the permission configured on Azure.
Can You point out in the mean time what else to check
Mails action are performed on Shared mailbox.
Neeraj Kumar
Technical Architect
23-02-23 01:18 PM
I'm having this same issue with the 403 forbidden error - would love any feedback on resolution for this!
23-02-23 04:45 PM
Ok, so you're getting an Application Access token and trying to retrieve email from a shared mailbox. Have you verified that the Client ID you have has the proper mail permissions in Azure AD? For shared mailboxes this would include either Mail.Read.Shared or Mail.ReadWrite.Shared for reading from the shared mailbox. You would also need Mail.Send.Shared if you intend to send email from the shared mailbox.
Here's a link to the Microsoft Graph permissions reference:
23-02-23 04:55 PM
hello Eric Wilson - Yes I have checked the permission w.r.t shared mailbox and it is provided correctly.
There is one thing which are doing differently on what is mentioned in VBO guide. we are using delegated permission option instead of application permission option.
Can it cause my issue?
23-02-23 08:58 PM
If you're trying to get a Delegated Access token you must pass in the Tenant ID, Client ID, Username, and Password. Do not pass in Client Secret because that automatically results in trying to get an Application Access token. The Username and Password are for the account your Digital Worker is trying to work on-behalf of. Also, I believe Delegated Access will require that you enable the Allow public client flows option within the Application Registration page for the Client ID you're using.