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Forum Posts

Our Community's Top Tips for Beginners

Welcome to the world of Intelligent Automation! It's great to have you here with us. And you're in fantastic company - the SS&C Blue Prism Community is made of up thousands of intelligent automation professionals from across the globe who have al...

Michael_S by Community Team
  • 7 replies

Blue Prism Local User Group

Being the community lead for New Delhi, Gurgaon & Noida I will love to invite you to check out our Blue Prism Local User Groups. Local User Group program empowers our customers and partners to organize and host local events and meet-ups, "led by you...

Resolved! How to give dynamic input value in read all text from file?

I need to process the each text file which is in different name inside the folder,So that just used GET FILE action to get the all files inside the folder then used loop & passed GET FILE output collection into the loop.   Now I need to know how to g...

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JamunaT by Level 4
  • 7 replies

Version Upgradation

Approach to migrate from the 6.4 version  to the current stable build Handling existing automations Does Blue Prism provide a standard toolkit for this?:Do client need to be compiled again? TestingBest practices, typical challenges:   Bot Controlle...

Best pratice for SAP Automation

For Sap Automation in Blueprism what is the best pratice for logging in into SAP logon app.There are 2 approaches:1. Used in sap accelerator, where in actions are present to click on env required, enter credentials, click on enter button etc.2. Use c...

Resolved! Blue Prism Foundation Consolidation

Hello,Could anyone give me some hints on a blocking issue at the consolidation exercise - updating the Create Orders Process?At the end of the order, I can only read and retrieve Centrix order reference number on debug mode, otherwise BP says it can'...

MailMerge from a collection to a Word document

Hello everyone,I want to get the info from a collection and introduce it through MailMerge in a Word document in the background.Anyone knows how should I do that?I don't want to connect the document to an Excel or database because I have already the ...

Resolved! Facing issues in get collection action in data sql server

Hi,I am using windows authentication for set connection action, then used query in get collection action to fetch the data's from the sql server agent job  , like EXEC dbo.sp_help_jobactivity @job_name = 'job name'GOI can able to run this query in sq...

JamunaT by Level 4
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Cleanup page not called at process end

Hey,I have a simple object with just 1 click action.I have added a navigate action in the initialize page to start the application and 1 terminate action in the cleanup page to close the application (set using the terminate option for the object in a...

Dahos by Level 3
  • 8 replies

Facing issue in Google Chrome - browser mode - Error : "No element matched the query terms "(result is not consistent -Same element works fine sometime and sometime getting error. ), please let me know if any browser setting is require for that or any solution for it

Facing issue in Google Chrome - browser mode - Error : "No element matched the query terms "(result is not consistent - Same element works fine sometime and sometime getting error. ), please let me know if any  specific browser setting is require for...

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