21-05-21 10:47 AM
21-05-21 11:01 AM
21-05-21 11:52 AM
Thank you, Andrey
The target window cannot be attached on whatever ways I have tried. So want to use code to close it.
The MsgBox I will revised it later.
Yes, winHwnd is not complete, I missed something when doing copy.
Eric Li
Automation Delivery Team | China Service Center
9F, The Centerpoint (Shuion), 374-2 Beijing Road, Guangzhou, China 510030
Tel: (+86 20) 2882 5022
Eric-F.Li@aig.com | www.aig.com
21-05-21 03:02 PM
24-05-21 04:26 AM
Thanks, Andrey. Using check code function, system indicate the compiler error as attached screen.
Eric Li
Automation Delivery Team | China Service Center
9F, The Centerpoint (Shuion), 374-2 Beijing Road, Guangzhou, China 510030
Tel: (+86 20) 2882 5022
Eric-F.Li@aig.com | www.aig.com
24-05-21 07:57 AM
26-05-21 03:00 AM
Many thanks! Andrey. It works after replaced with Nothing.
Eric Li
Automation Delivery Team | China Service Center
9F, The Centerpoint (Shuion), 374-2 Beijing Road, Guangzhou, China 510030
Tel: (+86 20) 2882 5022
Eric-F.Li@aig.com | www.aig.com
26-05-21 03:09 AM
One more question, is it possible to use wildcard on the windows name. Because the windows I am suffering have different name, but they have the same prefix name.
Eric Li
Automation Delivery Team | China Service Center
9F, The Centerpoint (Shuion), 374-2 Beijing Road, Guangzhou, China 510030
Tel: (+86 20) 2882 5022
Eric-F.Li@aig.com | www.aig.com
26-05-21 08:39 AM