I was using AutomateC to export a queue with the following:
/exportqueue "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyReport.csv" /queuename "MyQueue" /user "myUsername" myPassword /queuefilter Weekly
I'm using the AutomateC utility VBO to do so. I'm looping through a list of the queue names. Whenever I try using it to export my first queue, it works fine and generates the csv file to the correct location. However when I try a second time for the second queue in the list it throws the following error:
"Internal: Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided"
Would anybody be able to shed some light on this, as the only thing that has changed on the second attempt is the name of the queue. The names themselves aren't that different (e.g. "Queue 1", "Queue 2"), both with a space and number.
I'm using BP 6.10.1
Many thanks for any help,
Benjamin Anderson,
Senior Consultant,