Hi All,
Just wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar issues when they upgraded from Windows XP to WIndows 8.1 (Company was a little late to the technology party)
Since upgrading last month myself and my team have seen the following issues:
1. Unless the machine that is running the process has been remoted into and is the physcially being watched on the screen stages that require the process to activate, read, naviagate etc no longer work and are outputting exceptions as seen below
ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Activate' on page 'Claims - Select First Unticked Screen' - Exception during remote setforegroundwindow - System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at BluePrism.BPCoreLib.modWin32.DoSetForegroundWindowInRemoteMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr hWnd)
at BluePrism.ApplicationManager.clsLocalTargetApp.ProcessCommand_ActivateApp(clsQuery objQuery)
ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Read Stage 'Reader Window top Values' on page 'Get Claim Number - Screen 4' - Unable to match any windows with the query terms
ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Attach' on page 'Attach' - Target application could not be identified
These are errors that are not seen when I set the process as my main focus rather than setting it off on a schedule.
2. Scheduler only works for processes that don't require any of the above stages e.g. exception reports and performance reports work fine, this is impacting us massively as it has shortened our working day by around 5 hours
3. Lock screens, on XP once we were logged into a machine with a specific ID the machine always stayed on the desktop screen, when remoting in there was no entry required from username password. We have spoken to this with our IT team (IBM) and they beleive they have removed all settings from our machines that require a lock screen to appear after a remote log in or prolonged inactivity.
If anyone has encountered any of these issues it would be great to know either how you fixed it or if you are still experiencing the same issues
Thanks All