Hello Ram! That´s a helpful diagram and I appreciate it.
It shows what should be installed, but what I am missing is
where they should be installed.
Looking at the image below which I extracted from 6.7 Infrastructure Data Sheet, we can see how many servers we will need for the core installation.
Let´s say I want to install Hub and Decipher as well. Minimum requirements say I´ll need a DB, Web server, Msg broker, etc. So what I wanted to see was an image like the one below showing how many addicional servers (HW) I´ll need for them, and how they connect.
Also, note that the image shows separate environments for Dev / UAT and Production. How would this infrastructure look if we had Hub and Decipher? Would I need 2 Web Servers? 2 Hub SQL DBs? Where does Decipher go? etc.