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Forum Posts

Resolved! Error Message - DB String

Hey Team, I installed Decipher on a new machine and I'm seeing the below message in Decipher UI.Can anybody help with which file/setup do I need to check for DB string.------------------------------Thanks & Regards,Tejaskumar DarjiSr. RPA Consultant-...


Resize a pane

The resize option is only available in Win32 spying mode but my left pane can only be spied in browser mode or UI mode.

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Not able to run any process from control room

Hi All,We are trying to setup the infrastructure of Blue prism for a client and we have almost completed everything. While performing the testing, we have identified that we are not able to run any process from control room.We don't have access to ru...

Resolved! Filter excel data

Hi,How can we apply filter in excel? I know we can apply filter in collections but i can't work with collections and need some solution on Excel front.------------------------------Bhavya Taneja------------------------------

Connecting to Postgress SQL Database

HiI am working on a POC that uses MS Outlook VBO to fetch mails everyday into a collection and posting them to a  Postgress SQL database. Can someone help me which VBO I need to use to connect to my Postgress SQL DB instance and what db details are n...

Resolved! For Loop for table

Hello everyone,is there any way to loop the items/certain field of a table (not array)? Also, is there additional info about formula language apart from the user-guide? Thanks a lot, ------------------------------Michalis Gemistos------------------...

The handle is invalid

Hi Developers!   I contact you because my team and I we are experiencing an issue since we upgraded from version 5.0.3 to 6.0.1. "ERROR: Internal : Unexpected error The handle is invalid"   This is happening on VM's with Windows Server 2012 R2. ...


Hello,decipher server is being closed automatically, This is the error from the event viewer, can anyone help?  ------------------------------aseel odeh------------------------------
