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Blue Prism - can't spy an element inside of windows application

I need to spy a drop-down list inside of a windows application, but the whole application window got spied (when I click 'highlight' the whole application window is selected). What can I do to select only the drop-down?

Disclaimer: This content was auto-posted from Stackoverflow. The original Stackoverflow question is here Stackoverflow Post, posted by Tudor Albu.
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It may be worth seeing if the element that you're looking for is visible from the Application Navigator(s).  The application navigator can be found by clicking the downward arrow on the right side of the Identify button in the Application Modeller.

It will list out the spyable elements for AA and UIA spy modes.


James Man
Professional Services
Blue Prism

Hello James,

Even I am facing the same issue.

I need to spy elements inside of a windows application- the whole application window got spied in win32 mode.
But,im unable to spy any elements inside the window.

When used the application navigators, i was able to only see the window panes


sanjay selvaraj