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Blue Zone Mainframe Emulator

Level 2
Hello, I'm also trying to connect to a BLue Zone 7.1 Mainframe Session using the instructions I found in the documents for how to set up Rocket BlueZone Mainframe Emulator. I always get the same errormessage: 'Failed to launch application - Launch failed: Error from ConnectToHostOrSession: An incorrect host presentation space ID was specified. The specified session either does not exist or is a logical printer session. This return code could also mean that the API Setting for DDE/EHLLAPI is not set on. Return code: (1)'

Level 2
Hey Toon Symens,
I've encountered a similar hiccup when diving into the realm of Blue Zone Mainframe Emulator. That cryptic error message can surely be a bit unnerving. Your struggle resonates with me, as I too once grappled with it. But fret not, for I've sailed those rough digital seas and reached the shores of resolution!
Here's the elixir for your digital woes: Launch the Blue Zone with the magical incantation of "bzmd.exe" coupled with the "/f" parameter, bestowing upon it the sacred config file path. Once the ritual is complete, invoke the mystical "Attach Mainframe" option. This method shall usher you into the realm of Blue Zone connectivity, where the enigmatic error shall trouble you no more. 
In my arcane journey through the labyrinthine corridors of Mainframe emulation, this spell has often proven effective.  I actually ran into this many times while working as a system admin at Andersen and it worked 90% of the time, so give it a try. May your quest to connect to the Blue Zone Mainframe Session be filled with success and minimal vexation 🙂

Mart Stas