20-11-19 10:33 AM
I have a use case to connect to MySQL databases and write data into them using BluePrism. I researched on this and found that Data - OLEDB action can be leveraged with the following connections strings.
Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=mydb;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Replacing the values for db_name, db_user, and db_password with my own.
Has anyone explored this or other alternatives for writing into MySQL?
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20-11-19 12:01 PM
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22-11-19 07:10 AM
I have tried the following queries:
Select distinct * from surveil.actions_db_CH
show processlist
show tables;
I tried one with a semi colon and one without, but all populate no results. Initially, I was getting an error
"SSL Authentication Error - A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception."
But I made a change to the code stage in the object, specifying the following in the connection string w.r.t. sslmode:
Dim connString As String = "server="+Server+";uid="+Username+";pwd="+Password+";database="+DBName+";sslmode=none"
This helped the model run successfully through till completion, however results are not getting populated.
I spoke to the stakeholder and he mentioned that it is probably because of the connection method, but because there is no confirmation w.r.t. connection status I cannot be sure of this either.
25-11-19 04:30 AM
25-11-19 05:22 AM
25-11-19 05:41 AM