03-12-24 03:19 AM
Hi - We recently upgraded our Blue Prism from v6.9 to v7.3.1. We are currently testing our existing processes and found an issue with regards to the 'Launch' functionality in navigate stage in object studio. Whenever we use the 'launch' navigate action - it is taking more than 30 seconds to launch and move to the next step even though the web page seems to be have been loaded properly. This wasn't an issue in previous Blue Prism versions.
As an alternative, we've tried launching the web page using 'Utility-Environment' and 'Start Process' action - this has improved the performance but it is still not as expected.
Is this a known issue? Any guidance on how to proceed further?
13-12-24 11:50 AM
Yes, I think this is a known issue and we have also raised it earlier but ended up with workarounds only.
The browser and webpage load successfully, but BP never returns the successful result and remains stuck indefinitely in the launch stage. If in the Control Room, it will get stuck in the warning stage on launch action.
Please raise a support ticket so they have a detailed idea about this issue.
16-12-24 11:41 PM - edited 16-12-24 11:41 PM
Thanks @Tejaskumar_Darji - We are following up with Blue Prism.
We also came across the below pop-up message after updating our machines to v7.3.1. in our test environment. This happens while attempting to run any process on a machine. After clicking Ok, i am able to see the pending session and start the process. Before the process runs, this popup shows up again and I have to click Ok again for the process to run.
Do you have any knowledge about this issue? We haven't seen this issue in our Dev environment during the upgrade process.
17-12-24 05:45 AM
This looks like some misconfiguration in your BP app server settings. Check your app server settings to see what you are configuring in the BP connection on the target machine. Look at the installation guide and follow the steps as mentioned.