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Forum Posts

Box type fields in PDF

Hi Community,Just to ask if you have any approach in working with PDF that the text field is box type. Blue prism were able to read the text however if you trim the value it will remove all the spaces and become as one word.


Outlook issue while save attachment.

Hi,I am trying to download attachment from Outlook.When the file name is larger. It is throwing error.Note: we are using the subject as folder name, in that folder we are saving the attachment. In this scenario we have subject length also larger, and...

How to scrap Data from a slickgrid Table

Hi Everyone,1. I am trying to scrap the data from a web application which contains a slickgrid table not a regular html table by using the regular spying and xpath not able to get the table data.2. Once i get the data i need to find out whether the r...

7.1 update - messaging host - unknown browser type

Hi all,Looking for some advice. We've upgraded to v7.1 tom 6.8, but have an issue with the messaging host connecting up to Chrome. Some of our virtual machines work ok, but some don't, and I can't see any reason for the difference.When I try to launc...

Data Gateways - Published Dashboard

Hi,Im setting up data gateways and want to a specific data from tables.Can you please let me know if anyone have achieved it.Do we have to use published dashboard for it?

Sheela by Level 5
  • 1 replies

Adding Time Stamp

Hi, Everyone  Seeking for your help I was trying to get yesterday's date together with timestamp but seems the below format I have use is not working because I got 120000 Ann------------------------------Ann Fajardo------------------------------


7.2.1 Chrome Invoke Javascript submitcommand

Hello, I've never dabbled in the invoke javascript navigate action.If the webpage has a element with the action --javascript:submitcommand('VIEW_ALL','EXCEL_VIEW') How do I automate to run this script ?Thank You !

Drag and Drop Action Failed

Hi there, We use the standard BP drag and drop action in one of our objects.  Occasionally (once every couple hundred attempts) it gets stuck on drag.  If I notice this, I connect to the robot, nudge the mouse, and it continues.  A few days ago, it ...

Change Decipher IDP temporary storage

Hi all,We have a Decipher Multi-Server installation. We are observing that, in the server where Decipher Automated Clients is installed, some temporary files are being stored in C:/Windows/Temp folder. Thus, the disk is reaching its maximum storage s...