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Connecting to Exposed Objects From Appian 6.9 vs 6.5

Level 4
I'm having trouble with an appian plugin for connecting to exposed process or objects in blue prism.  

Normally I would be posing in the Appian Community forum but I need to understand if there have been any changes or configuration concerns between 6.5 and 6.9 of Blue Prism.

When I try to connect to an exposed object from Appian I get an error message indicating that blue prism returned  401 - Invalid Credentials.   This only happens when I point the plugin at the new installation of Blue Prism version 6.9.   The credentials are the same, the network setup is the same the authentication methods and application setup is the same.  The only difference is Blue Prism Version.  Appian has information on connecting with Blue Prism in their documentation that mentions 6.2 -6.8  Which leads me to question  what is different in 6.9?

Jessie Brooks

Helpful Answers

@Jessie Brooks,

When you enter the username, for the basic auth, are you doing so in UPN format (ex. If not, please try using the UPN format of the username and see if that works for you.


Eric Wilson
Director, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange
Blue Prism

View answer in original post


Level 4
Let's remove Appian from the equation:

Using Postman I'm able to consume and execute an exposed object from 6.5 (old farm)

I am not able to consume and execute the same exposed object from the 6.9 (new farm to replace old farm)

Credentials are the Same,  Object is the same,  Network segments are the same,  Authentication Scheme is the Same.

6.5 returns 200    6.9 returns 401

Jessie Brooks

Hi jessie Brooks,

How are you??

did you get any solution for above issue???

because even i am facing the same issue, our Web service works Perfectly fine in Version 6.4 but then after upgradation to BP 6.10.1 we have the issue

Please Let us know how did you resolve this issue??


Manoj Kumar
Technical Lead

I"m actually still having this problem.

Jessie Brooks

Hi Jesse, Manoj,

So a Blue Prism process/VBO that you exposed as a SOAP endpoint in an earlier version of Blue Prism no longer works after upgrading to v6.9 or v6.10 of Blue Prism? Have you tried concealing the process/VBO and then re-exposing it?

Are you setting either of the options when the process/VBO is exposed such as Enforce Document/literal encoding or With RPC encoding, use legacy namespacing?


Eric Wilson
Director, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange
Blue Prism

Yes  re-exposing has no effect.   It's also important to note that we can "see" the WSDL for the object we just get a 401 error when we attempt to use any of the options.     Postman is set to use basic Authentication and the credentials used in my case are admin level credentials in blue prism.   I can get this to work every time in version 6.8.4 this is a blocker for us moving to any newer version.

Jessie Brooks

Hi @Jessie Brooks,

  1. Are you setting either of the properties mentioned above when exposing the process/VBO?
  2. Have you tried testing this solely on your local machine (i.e. - using just the Interactive Client and Postman), or are you testing against runtime resources on other machines/VMs?
I've seen situations in the past where the WSDL was visible, but the actual endpoints couldn't be reached because the URI values in the WSDL were using the local machine name instead of the FQDN.


Eric Wilson
Director, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange
Blue Prism

HI Eric,

Thanks for Replying

To answer your question
1) I tried both option but still i get same error
2) i tried to Expose just Client Machine/Runtime Machine and plus from application  Server Machine as well(just to cross Check) but Nothing is working out

So as said above this one works in version 6.4 but then we are Upgradating to 6.10.1(latest one) which is having problem.

Is there any Fix for this or Alternate Solution to make this work??


Manoj Kumar
Technical Lead

@Jessie Brooks, Manoj,

What credentials are you using for the HTTP Basic authentication? Is it a local BP account (ex. admin) or are you using a domain account?


Eric Wilson
Director, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange
Blue Prism

I'm using a domain account we setup specifically to make these calls to the system.  It may be overkill but in our case this account exist in the Blue_Prism_Admin  active directory group.  The entire group is listed as Administrator in blue prism.

Jessie Brooks